...Removing the Malingnancy from the body of Iran that is the Islamic regime A Question to the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair and all World Leaders
In our previous editions of Rah-e Neyakaan newspaper we have brought to your attention the danger of the Islamic Law in the Qur'an.In this issue we are providing the evidence for this in the English and Persian cover pages of the newspaper. The picture published in this edition of Rah-e Neyakaan are another blood-ridden present from the Islamic Jondollah army ("any God army") to the Iranian Nation of Kordestan,Iran. Qor'an Aayaa:Part 6;Chapter 5;Par.(34-35) " The appropriate penalty for those who wage war against Allah and his Messenger and run about in the land creating disorder is that they be slain or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on alternate sides, or they be expelled from the land." We have nothing to add, but save only to ask a question:"If a murderous group such as the Islamic rulers of Iran were to take such criminal action in one of your countries, would you accept to give them the title of Moderate? Then only to allow these villians to continue their crimes under the banner of "Modernism"?! The Iranian nation believes that by giving the title of "Moderate" to these new groups of Islamic civilians (mostly of the Revolutionary Guard) has produced a new political trap for the Iranians to fell into. An European plan which allows a tap into their national income by giving more power to these islamic murderers under the guise of "Moderate". Dear Leaders who talk about and stress the right of human beings, it would be appreciated grately if by looking at Qur'anic Law, you could find a solution by which removing the malignancy from the body of Iran that is Islamic regime. Ka-beh of the Great Zartosht, Human beings Greatest teacher (5700 Years ago) Iran most Lovely Land Kianoosh.chtml Shahaab.chtml |